There are only seven colours in heraldry – listed below together with the heraldic term and their meanings.
Heraldic Colours
Red (Gules) = Military fortitude and also magnanimity
Blue (Azure) = Loyalty and in addition, truth
Black (Sable) = Constancy, and sometimes grief
Green (Vert) = Hope, joy and also loyalty in love
Purple (Purpure) Royal majesty, sovereignty and also justice
Gold (Or) Worthy ambition
Silver (Argent) Peace and sincerity
Find out what colours are in your coat of arms or find out the coat of arms and surname history for your surname.
This article explains the meanings behind different colors used in heraldry, like loyalty (blue) and ambition (gold). Fascinating!
This post on the meanings behind colors in heraldry is so interesting! It’s amazing how each color tells a story and holds significance. Thanks for sharing these fascinating details!
Thus, I’m looking to order a crest and / or coat of arms for our Family Name, SCHRAM. I’ve seen two thus far in individual color schemes. How would I know which one to order? I know there’s a Schramberg, Germany, don’t believe part of that vacinity. I need attention and point me in the right direction. Thank you,
Michael James Schram
Hello and thank you for your interest. Many of the details on both scrolls will be the same – for example, both mention Prussia, and the famous bearers of the name will be the same. We have two coats of arms available so if you have a preference visually, then please select that option. The scrolls are histories of the name, rather than of one specific family. Hope that helps.