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Words of wisdom from our customers.

Words of wisdom from our customers.

In our recent Facebook competition to win a surname history print, we asked our customers for their words of wisdom: We wanted to hear the sort of family phrases and advice that have passed down the generations. Families often have sayings and words of wisdom that...
Coats of arms and their uses

Coats of arms and their uses

One of the most recognisable global images is that of a coat of arms. Coats of arms began life as the images shown on the shield of a medieval knight. Most people would know a coat of arms when they see one and could probably make a good guess at some of the...
What is the correct way to fly the Union Jack?

What is the correct way to fly the Union Jack?

What is the correct way to fly the Union Jack?   Could you tell if the Union Jack is being flown in the correct way? And is it right to call it the Union Jack at all? In this article, we shed some light on some common bones of contention! For the purposes of this...
Family research: Our top tips

Family research: Our top tips

  Family research is such a rewarding pastime and you could discover fascinating details about the lives of your ancestors. It can be hard to know where to start, so we have compiled our top ten tips to help you on your journey of family discovery.   1....
Your surname meaning: secrets revealed!

Your surname meaning: secrets revealed!

Researching your family history is a fascinating pastime. But did you know that your surname alone can reveal interesting details about the origins of your forbears? In this article we look at  your surname meaning and how our research can open the doors on the lives...

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